Neuroscience-Backed Strategies to Help You Learn More Effectively

Post by Rachel Sharp

What is learning?

Whether we are in school, with our friends, or pursuing hobbies, we are always learning. But what exactly is learning? And why is it that we can pick up our favorite musician's new song after just a few listens, yet struggle to recall the contents of the Bill of Rights? Biologically, learning is the process by which neurons form and strengthen connections between each other. Every thought and decision we make requires communication between neurons across the brain. Picture groups of neurons working together, firing in unison to produce a thought, idea, or reaction. As these neurons fire together, their connections strengthen, making it more likely they'll fire together in the future. Forming new neural connections, strengthening existing ones, and pruning away unnecessary ones are the building blocks of learning, and understanding how to engage these processes can help us become more effective learners.

Learning occurs in three stages: encoding, storage, and retrieval. Let's explore what happens during each stage, both biologically and practically, and identify strategies to make these processes faster, more accurate, and longer lasting.

Effective encoding, storage and retrieval

Encoding refers to the initial process of encountering and interpreting new information. Our brains are constantly bombarded with information, so when it comes to learning, encoding is highly selective. Most of this filtering happens automatically based on the perceived importance of the information. Here are some strategies to enhance encoding:

1)    Direct Attention: Directing attention to relevant information and minimizing distractions helps strengthen encoding. This might involve highlighting key points or using different colors for important information.

2)    Attach Meaning: Attaching meaning to new information, especially by connecting it to what we already know, helps with encoding. Providing examples or relating topics to personal experiences makes it easier for the brain to process and retain information.

3)     Multiple Modalities: Absorbing information visually, verbally, and actionably recruits multiple different parts of the brain during the encoding process. Effectively, this creates multiple pathways by which the information can be retrieved later.

Storage involves the processing and maintenance of encoded information in the hippocampus. As you learn, neural connections will be formed, rearranged, and lost. So how information is stored, and how strongly it’s stored and maintained, will impact whether learned information persists over time. Varied repetition is key to improving storage, as it strengthens neural connections associated with the information. When you encounter information again and again, the associated neural connections will activate and become stronger. By diversifying repetition through different modalities, contexts, or examples, we ensure robust storage and easier retrieval.

Retrieval is the process of accessing and recalling stored information. It strengthens existing connections and is crucial for long-term memory retention. Now, let's explore some neuroscience-backed learning strategies that enhance encoding, storage, and retrieval.

What are some examples of neuroscience-backed learning strategies?

1.     Orchestrated Immersion: This involves fully immersing learners in their own learning experience. Activities like brainstorming sessions, relating new information to personal experiences, and engaging with thought-provoking questions enhance focused attention and the perceived value of the information, thus improving encoding.

2.     Relaxed Alertness: Creating a fun yet challenging learning environment can aid memory retention. Teaching through songs, dances, or competitive activities triggers positive emotions, diversifies neural connections, and promotes recall.

3.  Active Processing: Encouraging independent learning through group discussions and seeking out additional information strengthens knowledge retention. Engaging in contextual discussions with diverse perspectives deepens understanding and enhances memory consolidation.

Understanding how our brains learn can significantly improve our learning outcomes. By employing effective encoding, storage, and retrieval strategies rooted in neuroscience, we can improve our ability to acquire and retain information. From directed attention, meaningful engagement, and varied repetition, to immersive learning experiences and active processing, incorporating these strategies into our learning routines can make the journey of acquiring knowledge more efficient and enjoyable.

References +

Abdullah, Z., Istiqomah, T., & Sari, R. (2022). NEUROSCIENCE-BASED BIOLOGY SCIENCE LEARNING STRATEGIES AT THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEVEL. Proceeding International Conference on Islam and Education (ICONIE), 2(1), Article 1.

BrainWare. (2020, October 10). Neuroscience of Learning Brain-Based Learning Strategies. Cognitive Literacy Solutions.

Colvin, R. (2016). Optimising, generalising and integrating educational practice using neuroscience. Npj Science of Learning, 1(1), Article 1.

Jamaludin, A., Henik, A., & Hale, J. B. (2019). Educational neuroscience: Bridging theory and practice. Learning: Research and Practice, 5(2), 93–98.

Memory (Encoding, Storage, Retrieval). (n.d.). Noba. Retrieved February 25, 2024, from