Occasional Contributors

Giulia Baracchini (see posts) is a first-year PhD student at McGill University. Her research focuses on building robust multimodal neuroimaging and behavioural models to predict healthy aging trajectories. Currently, she is also working on deriving potential biomarkers of neuropathological change in pre-clinical Alzheimer’s stages.

Lina Teichmann (see posts) is a visiting fellow at the National Institute of Mental Health in the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition. She studies how knowledge interacts with visual perception in the human brain.

Leanna Kalinowski (see posts) is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto. She studies how oxytocin and vasopressin regulate the response to social stress in the eusocial naked mole-rat.

Ewina Pun (see posts) is a PhD candidate in the BrainGate team at Brown University. Her research focuses on designing stable and reliable intracortical brain machine interfaces for long-term continuous clinical use for people with tetraplegia.

Past Occasional Contributors

Anna Cranston (see posts) is a postdoctoral fellow at the Krembil Research Institute (Toronto). Her work focuses on using artificial intelligence to predict and test potential new therapeutics for Parkinson's Disease. In 2019, she earned her PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Aberdeen (UK) where she worked on understanding the mechanisms of tau aggregation inhibitors in Alzheimer's disease.